
Contact the HSA if you would like to join a committee.

(in alphabetical order)

Background checks required in order to volunteer at the school.

Book Fair (Feb. 2013) Committee members will set up the book fair, advertize to church and school families, organize volunteers to work during book fair hours and pack the books.

Breakfast with Saint Nick This event usually takes place in early December. This fundraiser provides an opportunity to celebrate the Christmas season with the children of our school and parish. Committee members are responsible for coordinating breakfast with the Knights of Columbus, providing crafts, games and a visit from St. Nick.

Cash Back for Schools Committee members will collect Boxtops, Campbell, and Tyson labels. They will submit labels to earn cash or products for our school. Committee members will also help with the Harris Teeter, Food Lion, Target and other link up your card programs.

End of Year Celebration/Back to School Party Committee members will plan the back to school party and end of the year cookout celebration.

Family Night Events Committee members will help HSA plan and organize family nights throughout the year. Some ideas are bingo night, movie night, Chick Fil A night etc.

Field Day (Spring 2013) Committee members will organize events and activities for Field Day and organize parent volunteers to help run the events.

Golf Tournament (Spring 2013) This is a major fundraiser for the school and we need someone to Chair this committee. Committee members will help publicize and promote the event, secure prizes, help on the course, etc. Information and materials for this event are available on a CD.

Library Help Assist Mrs. Bryant in the library with various duties such as helping students, reading to students, restocking books, etc. Background check required.

Lunch Room Help Proctor students, help serve, and assist students with clean up.  Background check required.

Office Relief Assist Mrs. Kennedy with various office duties. Background check required.

Pizza Lunch & Bake Sale The HSA sponsors a monthly pizza lunch and bake sale. Parents can come to school and enjoy a pizza lunch with their children. Each class will be responsible for providing the baked goods for the bake sale for one or two lunches throughout the year. Committee members will be responsible for sending home pizza lunch order forms, ordering the pizza, setting up the cafeteria, organizing parents to serve the pizza and sell the baked goods and clean up.

Playground Committee members will help maintain playground: rake mulch, pull weeds etc. They will also help in planning the installation of any new playground equipment.

Publicity Committee members will assist in promoting the school by placing ads in local newspapers, helping advertise important school events and assist in preparation of mass mailers.

Read-a-Thon  Committee members will send out forms to students, collect prizes, and conduct a drawing for prizes during Family Reading Night.

Recess Proctor Monitor students on the playground and assist students with putting toys away. Background check required.

Room Parent Room Parents will work with their teacher to help with parties and other activities throughout the year.

Saint-A-Gram This fundraiser runs from October 12-21. Students, parents, teachers, etc. can buy a Saint-A-Gram to be delivered to someone special. Committee members are responsible for ordering the Saint cards, purchasing candy, sending order forms home, collecting orders, selling Saint-A-Grams after school, and processing the orders for delivery to the students.

Saint Patrick’s Day Dance The dance is scheduled for March 16, 2013. Committee members are responsible for publicity, securing prizes for a raffle or silent auction, selling tickets, and organizing volunteers for set up and clean up.

Teacher Appreciation Committee members help with a teacher appreciation breakfast in December, organize substitutes for each teacher for 2 hours in December, and plan teacher appreciation week in May.

Tutoring/Substitute Teachers Assist teachers and students when needed. Background check required.

Yearbook The committee works with Memory Book Company to produce a school yearbook. Committee members initiate a sales campaign in January, solicit advertising, collect photos, design lay-out pages, submit the yearbook to the publisher by late spring and distribute the yearbooks to the students in May.