Award Winners

Mrs. Love and Fr Meares with recipients Michelle Alvarez (8th), Tanya Sasser (3rd), Monica Kibbe (2nd), Dominic Wozniak (8th)

We are so pleased to announce this quarter’s recipients of the Caritas Christi Award for Middle School and the Little Way Award for Elementary School. Way to go, Michelle Alvarez, Dominic Wozniak in Middle School and Monica Kibbe and Tanya Sasser in Elementary School! We are so proud of your contribution to our school. 

Criteria for the Caritas Christi Award

A student who exemplifies the nature of God’s love

….in day-to-day living in our school community demonstrates these traits:

  • Lovingkindness towards others in a free and spontaneous way
  • Exhibits joy to all around
  • Generous without expectation of return
  • Treats others with respect and dignity
  • Ready and quick to help in a variety of circumstances
  • Attends to his or her own duties
  • Is reverent in approaching holy things and places

Criteria for the St. Thérèse Little Way Award

A student who exemplifies what it means to follow God in the little things

  • Listens attentively and follows instructions
  • Cheerfully does what is asked of him or her
  • Is polite to all those around
  • Respects teachers
  • Eager to learn and stretch their horizons

Teachers nominated and voted on the recipients. Our winners were announced after School Mass today. Congratulations, Michelle, Dominic, Monica, and Tanya! May your example spur other students to pursue excellence in character and academic duties.